Yakitori: The Zen of Grilled Chicken
Simplicity of preparation and beautiful presentation are hallmarks of Japanese cookery. A perfectly composed meal should be a gustatory poem or a painting meant to be appreciated with all five senses, instead of just one or two. The sense of smell is engaged by the delicious odors of the cleanly prepared ingredients, carefully enhanced by […]
Posted by Barbara on August 23, 2005 in Recipes: Japanese | 4 Comments
Edamame: They’re Fuzzy
For all that I adore Asian foods and teach Asian cooking, I don’t often cook or eat Japanese food. I am not quite certain why that is–I do like most Japanese foods, but I simply do not have as much experience with them, nor have I made a large study of them over the years, […]
Posted by Barbara on August 22, 2005 in Recipes: Almost Vegetarian, Vegetarian and Vegan, Recipes: Fruits and Vegetables, Recipes: Japanese | 8 Comments
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