Grilling Asparagus

So, I’ve been quiet recently, and that means I have lots of great recipes to share because I did cook while I was quiet, but didn’t write them down. So, a flurry of recipes will be coming your way in the next few days. (By the way, the quiet is because I had a bad […]

Honeyed Chicken with Snap Peas and Carrots

Aren’t those snap peas just the prettiest things? Those sweet green goodies have been driving me mad for three days because they’ve been in my crisper drawer, waiting, waiting, WAITING for me to cook them, and I haven’t been able to, but I’ve wanted to for just days and days. See, I’ve had an ear […]

Roasted Radishes and Turnips with Ghee, Cumin and Mustard Seed

This recipe was an experiment, and to my taste, if I was going to do it again, I would do it all with turnips, and leave the radishes for another day. But those red radishes in the picture sure do look pretty sprinkled in with the white turnips, don’t they? But, there was something about […]

The Sticky Issue of Food Sovereignty : An Old Locavore Speaks Up

There’s a new bit of locavore lingo on the scene: “food sovereignty.” What it refers to is the ability of individuals to safely sell and buy locally produced foods such as raw milk, or farm-slaughtered meats without having to fear prosecution for violating federal or state laws regulating such foods. Two communities in New England […]

We Got The Beets: Ginger-Kissed Borscht

Yeah, we got the beets! Sorry, that old Go-Gos song gets stuck in my head, especially when I’m scrubbing a couple of pounds of beets to make borscht. See, I never peel my beets–lots of the nutrients are right under the skin, and besides, they are a pain in the tuckus to peel, so I […]

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