Cool Weather Chinese Greens: Gai Lan

Autumn has crept into the kitchen, and brought with her succulent cool-weather greens. They tease and entice with a peppery tang or deep sweetness, and their colors range from the aventurine-pale to creamy jade to the deep verdant emerald of a forest in high summer. Kale and collards, turnip and mustard greens are all the […]

And So, It Begins

That’s a pretty dramatic opening, isn’t it? Well, it is a pretty dramatic moment. We are redoing our kitchen, and today, this very afternoon, the first tentative bangs and experimental crashes will begin on the destruction of the current edifices in place. The only things in these photographs you see that will be the same […]

Culinary Cross-Pollination

I know that I have spoken often about what a cultural mish-mash my own culinary background is. With one side of our family from Bavaria, Ireland and the Netherlands, and the other side a concatenation of British immigrants and Cherokee, with an influx of the Mediterranean, it is no wonder that my own formative experiences […]

Teaching Tarka

My daughter, Morganna, is taking a class called “World Foods,” which is not surprising, because she aspires to follow in my footsteps and go into culinary arts as a career. The class, as near as I can tell, is a way to get kids to take Home Economics and learn about other cultures at the […]

Herbs de Provence

I don’t tend to use a lot of different spice blends; I tend to make my own, particularly when it comes to Indian, Mexican, Chinese and Thai foods. But, sometimes I pick something up at Penzey’s because I like the smell of it, or it seems appealing in some way, or I end up getting […]

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