On The Subject of Tea: Puer

Although we do drink a fair amount of coffee in the morning at our house, the signature beverage here is actually tea. I know this to be true because we have more varieties of tea in our cupboard than we do coffee. And though we do have many types of tea which that we enjoy, […]

Preserving The Chili Pepper Harvest: Chinese Chile-Garlic Sauce

This year, I planted a whiskey barrel with Thai chilies and basil; eight starts of Thai Dragon chilies, a dozen of Siam Queen basil. These relatively few plants kept us in fresh Thai ingredients for the entire summer and early fall. The rainy early summer resulted in lush growth but the first chilies were fairly […]

Cilantro Chicken with Fresh Water Chestnuts and Baby Bok Choy

Water chestnuts are not locally grown here in Ohio, at least, not that I know of. But, when they are fresh, they are truly divine, and I will buy them even if they were grown in California or Florida. Not only will I buy them, but I will buy several pounds of them, and use […]

A Very Quick And Simple Chinese Stir Fry: Cilantro Chicken

This is one of those easy to put together, simple stir-fries which has a minimum of ingredients but a maximum of flavor that make it perfect for a quick dinner after work. While this is an original recipe, I didn’t come up with the idea myself; I based it on a dish I had at […]

Chinese Wheat Noodles With Mushroom-Tofu Sauce

On a cold winter night, when the weather is blustery and damp, there is nothing that warms myself and my family up more than a bowl of za jiang mein–Chinese wheat noodles tossed with a hearty, spicy-sweet meat and tofu sauce and topped with crisp raw or blanched vegetables. And since last night, our weather […]

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