Barbara vs. The Raw Food Fad

I love vegetables. In fact, I was just now, not five minutes ago, merrily munching on some raw carrots. But, the fact is, I cannot stand raw food faddists, or the spurious health claims that they make. Why is this? Well, I’ll tell you. I have some experience in raw foods, because when I was […]

Kitchen Update: Countertops!

The countertops have been installed! Of course, the kitchen now smells of silicone and solvents, but it is beautiful, so the smell–well, I can live with it for a day or two. To the right you can see the desk, by the door to the kitchen. The kitchen is the first room anyone sees in […]

Why Do I Fear Cooking Fish?

Why do people have cooking phobias? I had to ask myself that last night, because I pan fried some catfish coated in stoneground cornmeal and spices, to the raptures of Zak and Morganna. I pan-fried catfish, because Morganna asked me to, because it is one of her favorite dishes, and she wanted something good for […]

Thanksgiving Report: Cooking a Heritage Turkey

As you may recall, I posted about picking up a heritage breed turkey–more specifically, a Narragansett, from Speckled Hen Farm. And I promised to give a full report on how I cooked the turkey, how it tasted and any differences that there were between it and the usual free-range Broad-breasted Whites that I have been […]

Four Directions Dressing

I grew up eating fairly typical bread stuffing and dressing for the Thanksgiving and Christmas turkeys. My Mom and Grandma would take white bread, cut into cubes, and toast it in the oven until they were crisp, and then on the day the turkey was cooked, they would mix it with broth in which they […]

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