Health Update

I just wanted to warn my regular readers that if my posting becomes slow or erratic over the next several weeks, it is because I am having some health problems that may require surgery. For the past week, I have been having chronic sharp pains in the upper right quadrant of my abdomen and in […]

Garlic Mashed Potatoes The Way That Mom Never Made Them

No one in my family ever made garlic mashed potatoes. No one had ever even heard of them until I started making them over a decade ago. Mashed potatoes were simple things in my childhood: russet (or all purpose white) potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks, boiled until they were soft, then drained, then mashed […]

Fruity Monkey Nut Cookies

I know what you are thinking, and you have a dirty mind. I will have you know that in this house, monkey nuts are not what you think they are, they are peanuts. And it is all Cathy MacLennan’s fault. She is the author of two of Kat’s favorite picture books, Monkey, Monkey, Monkey and […]

A Tool To Make Cooking With Kids Easier And Safer: The Learning Tower

By now, most folks who read this blog know how strongly I feel about cooking and eating with our kids. And, for those who pay attention to the news, there have been reports several times a year for the past five years or so on research that has shown, over and over again, that family […]

Book Review: The Hungry Gene

I have been reading The Hungry Gene: The Inside Story of the Obesity Industry by Ellen Ruppel Shell for the past three days, and found it to be utterly fascinating. This book tells the story of how scientists are tracking down the genetic and biochemical causes of the current world-wide obesity epidemic, and it reads […]

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