A Little Food Art For Your Weekend

This little dragon was carved by Morganna last night in the kitchen at Salaam, before our rush of customers came in for dinner. She started playing with her paring knife and a spinach leaf, and ended up essentially tooling it as one would do leather, in order to put the three-dimensional veins on the wings, […]

A Simple Sauce For Two Different Baked Fish

I have always been partial to baked fish; ever since I made psari plaki for the first time as a poor college student in my first apartment, with fresh trout a fisherman friend had given me for free, I was hooked. I decided to make the psari plaki for the first time because there are […]

Rice and Lamb Stuffed Pattypan Squash

I adore pattypan squash. They are those round summer squashes that come in colors ranging from jade-green or cream to yellow to orange to dark green that have fluted or ridged edges and range in size from wee babies the size of a fifty-cent piece to ones that would easily fill a professional basketball player’s […]

Where, Oh Where Has The Food Blogger Gone?

Oh, where, oh where can she be? Well, the truth is, I have been here all along, just not posting. It started with computer troubles, but those got cleared up in a day or so. Then, I had a super-busy two weeks at work where I did all the dinner and lunch specials for those […]

Figs a l’Aziz: Poached Fig, Pomegranate and Blackberry Parfait

One of the most fun things about being a chef is the spontaneity required when it comes to making up specials: the challenge is to make dishes that utilize what is plentiful and in season, and combining these foods with pantry items to create flavors that are new and exciting to our guests. And while […]

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