A Beautiful Vegan Curry: Kashmiri Dhingri Chole

This is one of those recipes you want to make for your non-vegan friends in order to prove to them that vegan food can be delicious. Consider this curry to be an “ambassador recipe” to the world of non-vegetarians. I have quite a few such recipes, and they nearly always work. This one is great […]

This Is Why I Have Not Posted Since Monday: Buddha Crazy Quilt Wallhanging

I feel bad for not having posted in a few days, although I am happy to see a mostly positive discussion coming about because of my last post. But there is a reason, and it is a good one. I have been working on my latest piece of fabric art, which you can see pictured […]

How Can Vegetarians, Vegans and Omnivores Learn To Talk With Each Other?

Last Monday, when I wrote the post Largest Beef Recall in US History a Natural Consequence of Industrial Agricultural Practices, I figured that there would be a fair amount of comments, but I never really thought about what kind of comments I would get. I did expect some kneejerk vegan responses which are always an […]

Salon Article On The Making Of The Humane Society Slaughterhouse Video

This is going to be short, since I have a ton of stuff to do today before I go to work. Salon has a good article up today about the man who went undercover and worked at the Westland/Hallmark Meat Company slaughterhouse for six weeks where he continually witnessed acts of extreme animal cruelty. He […]

Let This Post Be A Virtual Candle: Inspirational Indian Cook, Pedatha, Passes Away

It is with sadness that I give the news that came to me by email tonight from Jigyasa Giri and Pratibha Jain, the authors of the beautiful and lyrically written southern Indian vegetarian cookbook, Cooking At Home With Pedatha. Their email was simple and poignant: “Barbara, our world is empty…” Down below this simple statement […]

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