More Food, More News

Chinese Food Gets Hyphenated Everyone loves Chinese food, and now that sophisticated diners have gobbled their way through the regions of that vast country and had their fill of Cantonese, Sichuan, Hunan and Shanghaiese foods, folks are prowling, chopsticks at the ready, looking for something new. And that something new is Chinese food with a […]

Naturally Sweet Apple Pie

When I was a kid, apple pie was my least favorite fruit pie. Sounds blasphemous, doesn’t it? It is positively unpatriotic to not like apple pie. It is like hating your mother, or burning a flag or admitting to having atheistic thoughts while sitting in front of the baptismal font. It just isn’t often done, […]

Birthday Waffle Breakfast

Most people get cake to celebrate a birthday. Not Zak. He wanted waffles and bacon. And, because I am a good wife, that is what I got up early this morning and made for himself, his Dad and Grandpa. Oh, and I had some, too. (And I made fried apples, because I insist that everyone […]

Layers of Love

Lasagne is just one of those universally comforting foods. Everyone likes it, and no matter who makes it, lasagne is nearly always at least good, if not phenominal. Even bad lasagne manages to be pretty tasty. I have no idea of the derivation or history of lasagne, nor do I know when it became such […]

Stretching Dinner

Sometimes at my house, an unexpected guest arrives around dinner time; I notice that this happens more often now that Morganna is living with us. This is not a bad thing at all–in fact, I am convinced that it is a good thing to have friends dropping by. It forces a degree of spontenaeity in […]

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