Countdown to Chili

Chupacabra Chili v. 3.2

Let’s try this again, shall we? (I just killed the previous version of this post. (DOH!)

The final pot of Chupacrabra Chili, v. 3.2, is cooked, and is currently sealed up in a big cast iron pot, and is cooling out on the deck. One of the best things about winter is that I don’t have to work as hard to cool off anything I need to stick in the fridge. No sinks full of ice water and frantic stirring. Just stick it out in the natural cooler outside.

This batch is the best yet; I made a small pot last night for dinner so I could further refine the recipe. This time I am using a different kind of posole with larger corn kernels, and two kinds of beans: cannellini and small red beans. I lucked into the posole because Zak suggested going to a Latin American market (DUH!) to pick some up as I had run out. I was so happy to see they had it and fresh tomatillos, that I bought five pounds of each!

Here is a close-up so you can see the posole, the tomatillo, chunks of lamb and goat and two kinds of beans.

So, all I have to do now is mince up some cilantro to stir in at the last minute, get up early tomorrow, heat up the chili in the microwave, store it in the crock pot and get to the North Market on time. Then, check in, plug in the crock pot and get ready to serve up cups of chili.

Zak has to print up business cards with the web address for this blog so we can pass them out to those who want the recipe. They can come read the blog and look for the recipe to appear in a couple of days, after I get around to typing it up.

Now that the chili is done, I need to go clean up the pot so I can make our dinner: clam chowder!

Another comfort food that I didn’t grow up eating. Clams in West Virginia? Uh, no.

Not happening.

Oh, and one more thing– a piece of news on the Chupacabra front!

Someone has dragged a body they found in the desert near Albuquerque to a TV station and folks are saying it is a Chupacabra. Yes! Folks are saying it is the one, the only, Goatsucking Cryptid Creep–El Chupacabra. Click on the video for a sort of good look at the weird mummified–critter. Thing. Whatever.

It looks to me like the work of a mad taxidermist–rather like the“Fiji Mermaid” which is a monkey’s torso wedded to a fish’s tail. But hey–it is still fun, and a timely tie in to my Chupacabra Chili.

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