Yes, it is Time: More Weekend Cat Blogging!

Yeah, I am early again, because today, I have to run off in the morning to drive to Salem West Virginia where my daughter, Morganna, is head woman dancer at a powwow. This will be the first powwow I have gone to where she has been so honored, so I am very excited and want to try to get there in time for the opening ceremonies.

So, enough about myself! Let’s get to the KITTIES!

Here, you get to see Ozy, Jack and Gummitch all in one chair, with Princess Minna asleep up above. Gummi is washing Jack, while Ozy sleeps, completely oblivious to his surroundings.

That’s our Oz. He’s our very alert attack cat. Trained in killer martial arts. Yep.


You might get the idea that all my cats do is sleep. That isn’t true.

It just isn’t true.

They also eat.

And use the litterbox.

And they do play, and insist upon affection, and get into things they shouldn’t be into and cause destruction, hate and discontent and all sorts of other things.

But they are easiest to photograph when asleep.

And then here, we see that Gummitch’s vigorous washing has awakened Minna, she she looks down in disgust.

Not long after this she jumped down from the chair, pausing only long enough to cuff Gummi as she went by.

She is so friendly.

Check out Kiri at Clare Eats, looking sleek. Minnaloushe looks to have a twin at Norjus–what a beauty! Boo’s neighbors have kittens at Masak-Masak. At Min Tea Say So, Jasmine’s kitty shows off. A dreamy cat at Belly Timber. And at Farm Girl Fare, a cabin cat.


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  1. Oh So many sleeping kitties so little time! You have so many gorgeous cats!

    Have fun at the POWWOW!!!!

    Comment by Clare Eats — July 30, 2005 #

  2. I love the way they’re all stuffed up in one chair! And one looks like he is going to fall off. Yeah, they’re the easiest to take when they sleep. The best part is how the stretch during their sleep.

    Comment by boo_licious — July 31, 2005 #

  3. Beautiful cats! Is Ozy a Russian Blue?

    Comment by pseudo chef — August 1, 2005 #

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