Possible downtime.

Zak’s about to move the blog from Blogger over to WordPress. If all goes according to plan (and he’s tested this extensively, but you never know…) there shouldn’t be more than a few moments down-time. We shall see.

EDIT: 11:42pm EST: Blogger is holding on with every ounce of will to keep T&S from getting away. As soon as I make sure all is well, I think I’ll put her to bed & try again in the morning when there will, hopefully, be less server traffic.

EDIT: 1:04am EST: I will prevail.

1:31am. Nope. Really going to bed this time. Defeated. For now.


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  1. Well, bugger it all. BLogger won’t let it fly. I’ll try again in the morning.

    Comment by Zak — December 5, 2005 #

  2. Blogger hates me. 🙂

    Probably becaue I’m trying to desert it.

    Comment by Barbara Fisher — December 6, 2005 #

  3. Good luck! I’m sure that you’ll manage 🙂

    Comment by Dagmar — December 6, 2005 #

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