ISP Outage, Again
This is just a quick note to let you know that we had an outage at my ISP yesterday, so that is why there was no post, nor any email going out.
I will be catching up tomorrow.
We got lucky–the reason the outage happened was because the local electric company had a fire at the top of a pole which housed the local ISP, Time Warner Cable’s digital lines, and some telecom lines. The ISP is still down, Time Warner is up, which is why I am writing this now, and the phones are mostly back. I am just happy that more people did not lose electricity or phone.
More later!
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Hi Barbara,
Just want to make sure that you’ve got my email on the soups + attachment. I’m not sure if the outage will affect the email, but let me know if you would like me to resend. Take care!
Comment by Shirley Lim — April 25, 2006 #