The Spice is Right Sweet or Savory Reminder

This is just a quick reminder that the deadline for the second edition of The Spice is Right–Sweet or Savory is tomorrow, May 15th at midnight. However, if you really want to participate, and haven’t gotten around to posting a recipe (you notice mine is late, too), I will give you until midnight Tuesday, May 16th to post your entry on your blog and email the links to me.

Why am I doing this?

Because I am going to be posting the roundup on Wednsday, not Tuesday.

Tuesday is going to be something else, but I won’t tell you now. You’ll find out on Tuesday.

So, revel in your extra day, and see if you can come up with something fun for us to share on the theme of Sweet or Savory?

Now, I am off to go see my Mamma and wish her a happy Mother’s Day.

I’ll be back later tonight with a regularly scheduled post, and tomorrow, you will see my entry for The Spice is Right.

Now, frolic off and go give your Mamma a big hug for me!

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