The Spice is Right Reminder: Back To School

This is just a quick reminder to all those spice bloggers out there that the deadline for The Spice is Right VI: Back to School is coming upon us fast. This time around, the challenge is to pick a spice that you have either never used, or know very little about, and learn about it. Find out what it is used for, where it is from, who originated its use, what its main culinary uses are, if it is used medicinally or aromatically, and what the folkloric and mythic connotations, if any, are.

And then, write us a post about the spice, reporting what you have learned, and feature it in a recipe that you have never cooked before, preferably one that is from a different cultural or ethnic background than yourself.

The full rules and how tos of entering are here.

The deadline is September 15th at midnight EST.

And, once again, I would like to thank Danielle of Habeas Brulee for stepping in to host The Spice is Right for the next few months while I am busy giving birth and getting back into the swing of being the mother of a newborn again. She will be posting the next theme at her blog after I post the roundup for this month here, and I really hope that all of you wonderful spicy folks flock on over and check out what she has planned. I think that the challenges she poses will be fun and fascinating to one and all.

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  1. Sadly, I won’t be able to participate in the Back to School edition, though. Between my trip to Hungary and the hectic mess of work when I got back, I just haven’t had the time. So unless I manage to do it in the next two days, I may have to miss this one. But I do look forward to hosting (and participating in) the next two!

    Comment by Danielle — September 13, 2006 #

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