Knives are Dangerous

This morning, I got up early, not because I intended to, but because I have been getting up early for the past four mornings. I have been impersonating a morning-person so that I could let the contractors into the house in order that they could finally finish their work; now my brain is trained to […]

Bean Cuisine I: Country French Flageolet Stew

This is the first foray into inventing new ways to eat beans: flageolet beans with a country French flavor utilizing what was in my pantry. So, I vowed as I was packing my pantry to create a new bean dish a week once I was settled, in order to pare down the collection of legumes […]

What a Crock!

So, I bought this crockpot to use during the Chili Cookoff as a warming device. I never really figured I’d cook in it much; I never much liked the way a lot of crockpot recipes turned out back in the day when they had little cutesy mushrooms screen printed on the sides in the ever […]

The Riddle of Iron

Some of my collection of cast iron cookware. The red Le Creuset dutch oven is about forty years old and was passed down from Zak’s Grandma to me. In the lower right hand corner are the cornstick pans, the comal and the tortilla press. So, I was going through my cabinets earlier this week, and […]

Wok Words

The cast iron wok surrounded by other Chinese cooking tools, including a bamboo steamer, bamboo cutting board, two cleavers, a wire and bamboo skimmer and the wok shovel. Gong hay fat choy! Or, in other words, happy new year! Today is the first day of the Chinese year of the Rooster, and it is a […]

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