Do You See What I See?

Yes, that is indeed what it looks like.

My first ripe tomato of the season. It was on one of the seven foot-tall tomato plants, and there is one near it that will be ripe tomorrow.

I rewarded myself by eating it after I transplanted some potted flowers and redid some of our window-boxes on the deck with summer annuals. The pansies and violas had finally been done in by the heat.

So, after supper, out on the deck I went to make the garden up there happy and pretty again, and after all that work, I went and picked my first cherry tomato, sat down in my rocking chair, and popped it in my mouth.

It was sweet, tangy and wonderful–filled with juice and flavor.

I can’t wait until the other ones start to ripen!


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  1. I have lots of tomatoes at the moment but soon there will be none. Way too hot to set any blossoms. But, I still remember the first little one I popped into my mouth. All warm with the sun. That first one is oh so very good.

    Comment by tanna — July 7, 2006 #

  2. I can’t wait for it to be summer again – our fresh tomatoes are the best things in the world, in my opinion! I just can’t wait to make some fresh tomato sauce.

    Comment by Stephanie — July 8, 2006 #

  3. There is nothing like that first garden-warm cherry tomato!

    Comment by lucette — July 8, 2006 #

  4. I just can’t wait to make some fresh tomato sauce.
    A few years back, in Pittsburgh, towards the end of the summer I bought a bushel of tomatoes for… $10, maybe. Not much. Since it was into September, they were super-ripe, just a few days away from going bad. So I had a marathon sauce-making session, all day in the kitchen blanching, food milling, simmering, rinse and repeat. I made so much sauce, and played with those tomatoes for so long a time, that I actually acid burned my fingers. WOW, was that some pain – especially under my nails. I understand why it happened – I cored and crushed them all by hand – but it had never occurred to me to wear gloves. My husband came home that night to me sitting with my fingers in a bowl of ice water.

    BUT, that sauce was FANASTIC. Mmmm, and we had it well into the winter.

    Comment by bomboniera — July 8, 2006 #

  5. What a pretty tomato!

    Comment by Indira — July 10, 2006 #

  6. Wonderful photo! You have just inspired me to make a light, cool caprese salad for dinner tonight. Although a nice homemade tomato sauce wouldn’t go wrong either…

    Comment by risingsunofnihon — July 11, 2006 #

  7. I am so thrilled to find out–yesterday–in fact, when Zak just decided to try a tomato slice in a salad, that he now -likes- tomatoes!

    He even ate them in his salad tonight, in my new favorite cheese sandwich, and in his pasta tonight.

    A miracle of epic proportions has occured, folks!

    Glad everyone likes the photo–since that first one, I have picked five more newly ripe wee tomatoes, and they were all delicious. They have a great, spicy tart flavor.

    Comment by Barbara — July 11, 2006 #

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