Book Review: Indian Spice Kitchen

I cannot tell you how thrilled I am to see that Monisha Bharadwaj’s Indian Spice Kitchen is back in print. It is, quite simply, an indispensable reference work for Westerners who are just beginning to learn how to cook the myriad regional foods of India. It contains comprehensive listings of all of the major spices, […]

Gift Ideas for the Bookish Cook

What is a bookish cook? A cook who loves books, of course! And how do you identify a bookish cook? When you are in said cook’s home, you will note that not only is there a huge bookshelf in the kitchen absolutely stuffed with cookbooks, but that there are bookcases in nearly every room of […]

Book Review: The Art of Simple Food

Chinese Noodle Cookbooks: A Handful of the Best Titles

There have been a strong handful of cookbooks written on the subject of Chinese and Asian noodles over the years; unfortunately, the best of them are out of print. But, luckily, they are reasonably easily found through Amazon as used books, or, if you have issues with Amazon, you can always try Bookfinder or ebay. […]

Book Review: Cooking At Home With Pedatha

“From food all creatures are produced. And all creatures that dwell on earth, by food they live, and into food they finally pass. Food is the chief among beings. Verily he obtains all good who worships the Divine as food.” –Taittiriya Upanishad This quote is the text chosen as the opening to Jigyasa Giri and […]

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