The Spice Is Right V: Fresh and Local Roundup

It is that time of the month again–time to reveal to the world what my food blogging friends have come up with to play the game of “The Spice is Right.” This month, our theme is “Fresh and Local,” and the idea is to take a spice that local to wherever our participants are, and […]

Kids’ Food In The News

Zak decided, what with our imminent status as the parents of a newborn, that he should read up on what is going on in the world of parenting. So, he subscribed to an email newsletter about parenting from The Washington Post, and thus found out that one of the things that parents are concerned about […]

The Spice is Right Reminder: Fresh and Local

This is just a quickie reminder that tomorrow at midnight is the deadline for this month’s edition of “The Spice is Right.” This month’s theme is “Fresh and Local.” For more information, click here.

Heirloom Tomatoes Are Here!

Heirloom tomatoes are a hot topic in the food world these days, with writers generally trumpeting their virtues, though some folks, such as Derek from An Obsession With Food, have conducted taste tests of some varieties of heirloom tomato and have been both underwhelmed and blown away. What makes a tomato an heirloom? Well, they […]

The Locavore’s Bookshelf: Pasture Perfect

Jo Robinson is the driving force behind the website, a clearinghouse for information on the health benefits of pasture-based farming which includes a comprehensive, state-by-state directory of sources for pasture-raised meats, eggs and dairy products. For those who are not net saavy, she also happened to write this concise book, Pasture Perfect: The Far-Reaching […]

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