Cutting and Browning Onions For Proper Flavor In Indian Food

I had a reader ask me last week how I manage to cut my onions thin enough so they brown easily and completely for the proper Indian flavor. I tried to explain it completely with words, but I thought that it would be much easier to do an in-depth post with photographs to explain not […]

Masoor-Moong Dal With Mushrooms and Greens

In the name of giving a recipe that features some of the spices mentioned in my post about eating curry for your health, I now present a low fat, high protein, vegan recipe which has been well received both by my family and the guests at Restaurant Salaam. This dal features healthy and delicious turmeric […]

Opening the Grilling Season With The Best: Jamaican Jerk

My love affair with Jamaican jerk did not start in Jamaica. It started in Athens, with the purchase, on a whim, of a book called Jerk: Barbecue From Jamaica, by Helen Willinsky. I found the book, now sadly out of print, in The Little Professor bookstore on Court Street, and intrigued by the brilliant colors […]

Eat Curry For Your Health!

I’ve been reading articles about the health benefits of curry spices for quite some time, but this article from AlterNet is particularly good because it brings together summaries of the latest research on a variety of spices. Worldwide, a great many researchers are finding that spices commonly consumed in Indian curry dishes have myriad health […]

Ruminations on Life, Death, and Life Again

There is a reason I haven’t written anything since Monday. Even though I had planned several posts, I found that I couldn’t write them. On Monday, my Mom told me that my Uncle John will be selling my grandparents farm, or rather, what is left of it, and moving away. As she told me over […]

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