The First Pesto of the Year!

It does sound a bit early for pesto, at least, when we are talking about Southeastern Ohio, and I just planted my big self-watering planter filled with pesto plants on Saturday. However, my CSA farmers are clever; they have several greenhouses, one with hot water pipes running under the beds, so they started some genovese […]

Rustic Italian Sausage, Potato and Kale Soup

I have to admit that this recipe came about because I was copying the flavors of a soup that they have at The Olive Garden. (Though, mine is better.) Don’t get me wrong–I generally dislike The Olive Garden, and find most of their foods to be quasi-Italian at best, and downright crap at worst. But, […]

Coming Home To Eat: Cooking For Myself and My Family

As most readers are aware, we were away for most of last week, visiting Washington DC. We went primarily to view the exhibition of the works of Hokusai at the Sackler Gallery at the Smithsonian, but we also ended up wandering around to many of the other museums, including the new Museum of the American […]

IMBB 24: Made It In 30 Minutes

When the Too Many Chefs threw down the gauntlet for this month’s IMBB, I couldn’t help but take up the challenge. Cook a meal, with as much of it being from scratch as possible, within thirty minutes, a la Rachael Ray. One of the charges book reviewers often level at Ray’s cookbooks is that they […]

Greens Are Good

I guess regular readers should know by now that I like greens. I’ve written about gai lan, choi sum, bok choi, collards, kale and pea shoots. What else can I possibly have to say on the subject? I mean, we all know that the green leafies are good for us, supplying large amounts of folate, […]

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