Brittney’s Skillet Spaghetti With Shiitake and Rapini: A Quick Vegetarian Meal

Okay, I didn’t make up this recipe. It is Morganna’s friend, Brittney’s recipe and even though she says it is just something she makes for quick dinner, I think it is delicious, and wanted to share it with you. Now, the truth is, the rapini, also known as broccoli rabe, which is in it, was […]

Weekend Cat Blogging: The King Lives (In Memory, At Least)

I had to post about this, because it is so cute. In the photo to the left, you see two of our beloved departed cats, Ozy, the big grey King of Cats, and Tristan, his best friend. They died within months of each other last year, both at ripe old ages. Kat, even though she […]

What Is A Chef?

“Chef” is a word much overused these days. It seems that anyone who can cook competently, whether at home or under the scrutiny of television cameras, is now called a chef, either by himself or by others. I think it is time to stop indiscriminately using the word and return to its original context: that […]

A Bad Weekend

I haven’t written for a while because of a really awful experience our family had this weekend. We had taken Kat to the indoor play place at the mall, and we had met our friend, Kendra, her college-aged niece and Kendra’s daughter, who is six months younger than Kat, there. There was also a dad […]

Easy Everyday After-Work Chicken Curry That Anyone Can Make

This is a super-simple version of chicken curry that anyone, and I mean anyone, can make. Not only can anyone make it, anyone can make it quickly. And you can make it even more quickly if you want to brown your onions and grind your curry paste ingredients ahead of time and freeze them in […]

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